Article 1er – Order acceptance

  • All orders are subject to our general sales condition, regardless of any contradictory provisions included in general sales conditions of our clients.

Article 2 – Delivery time

  • Delivery time is not specified and thus potential delays do not entitle the Buyer to cancel the purchase, to refuse accepting the item or service provided or claim damage to their interest.

Article 3 – Transport

  • All our products are sold directly from our store. They travel at the Buyer’s risk and expense, regardless of the selected transport option or the terms of the payment method of free of charge transport or carriage paid.

Article 4 – Prices

  • The invoice for purchased items is issued based on the current prices as of the delivery date wheras the invoice for services ordered is issued based on the current prices as of the execution date. 

Article 5 – Methods of payment

  • Our invoices are due for payment upon delivery of the purchased goods. Until the invoice payment, Réflectiv holds full ownership of goods which are considered deposited and the Buyer shall be charged with potential damage cost regardless of its cause. Nonetheless, the Buyer is entitled to use or resell the abovementioned goods. Réflectiv réserves the right to withdraw the authorization by sending a recommanded letter after the first default in payment. In accordance with the express agreement, a default on one due payment or other type of breach of the Buyer’s obligations results in :
    1. depending on Réflectiv’s decision; either payment of the entire remaining amount using the previously chosen payment method and conditions or returning the goods at the Buyer ‘s expense. 
    2. payment of interest at an increased bank rate of 6 points 
    3. in accordance to the penalty clause, payment of a compensation for debt recovery costs, amounting to 8% of the debt amount, with prejudice to all remaining debt, or authorizing Réflectiv to postpone new deliveries or operations. 

The Buyer is not allowed to take advantage of the claim against the Seller to appeal against the Seller and claim for issuing a partial payment or paying the compensation. 

Invoices issued for the State, local communities and other pubic institutions apply payment conditions pursuant to the provisions provided for in the Code on Government Procurement, including directives related to default interests which shall be binding in the case of default in payment.

Article 6 – Warranty

We are deeply involved in providing products which comply to Réflectiv technical specifications and in replacing products which appeared to be defective. However, under no circumstances may our company be charged with mechanical damages which result directly or indirectly from inappropraite storage and usage. 

We suggest that users, before installing the product,make sure that the purchased item matches its future usage. We also recommend a preliminary try and getting acquainted with libialities and risks you have to accept. Returning goods in not allowed without a prior written permission. 

Article 7 – Branch selection 

Réflectiv chooses the branch office at the Head Office. All disputes related to interpretaion and execution of the contract of sale shall be settled by the Créteil Trade Tribunal only.

Article 8 – Jurisdiction and language 

Any disputes concerning interpretation or execution of the contract, of any nature (sale, distribution, agency), shall be under the jurisdiction of France. The applicable language is French.